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Why choose granite as the stone of tombstone

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As we all know, all tombstones are made of stone materials. In terms of stone materials, all stone materials can be processed and carved into tombstones. But from the use of the environment, most of the marble is not suitable for making tombstones. Many people habitually call stone as marble. But in fact, the most suitable material for making tombstones is granite. It can be said that in almost all cemeteries, tombstones are made of granite. So, why choose granite material to make tombstone? What are the advantages of granite tombstones?

As we all know, all tombstones are made of stone materials. In terms of stone materials, all stone materials can be processed and carved into tombstones. But from the use of the environment, most of the marble is not suitable for making tombstones. Many people habitually call stone as marble. But in fact, the most suitable material for making tombstones is granite. It can be said that in almost all cemeteries, tombstones are made of granite. So, why choose granite material to make tombstone? What are the advantages of granite tombstones?

Compared with granite, marble has soft physical properties, but it has many colors, usually with obvious patterns and many mineral particles. Therefore, it is often used in interior decoration, such as TV table, windowsill, indoor floor, etc. It can be said that marble is a natural building decoration stone material. However, marble contains calcium carbonate, which is easy to be affected by carbon dioxide and water vapor in the atmosphere, and is easy to be weathered and dissolved, so that the luster of marble surface will soon fade.

Compared with marble, granite has uniform structure, hard texture and beautiful color. It is a high-quality building stone. Granite is not easy to be weathered, and its appearance and color can be maintained for more than a hundred years. Due to its high hardness and wear resistance, it is the first choice for outdoor carving and tombstone making. Generally speaking, granite and marble are the main stone materials for tombstone production. Some professionals have done data statistics and found that marble is the main stone material for Chinese tombstone production, while granite is the main stone material for European tombstone production.

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In modern times, whether at home or abroad, almost all the tombstone stones on the market are granite tombstones. On the one hand, it is hard and weather resistant, on the other hand, it is also because granite is cheaper than marble, and it is more suitable for making stone for tombstone. Although the stone used in tombstone is mainly granite, different countries and even different regions of the same country have different preferences for the variety and color of the stone used in tombstone.

Xiamen Dalei Stone Co., Ltd. is a professional stone incorporation of mining, manufacturing and trading. Our stone products have been constantly exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Japan and Korea.etc countries all over the world. If you would like to learn more about our granite memorial tombstone products, please contact me us, Email: [email protected].

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