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Headstones for Graves Memorial Headstone Prices

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A headstone, tombstone, or gravestone is a stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave. It is traditional for burials in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions, among others.

In most cases, headstones for graves have the deceased’s name, date of birth, and date of death inscribed on it, along with a personal message, or prayer, but may contain pieces of funerary art, especially details in stone relief. In many parts of Europe, insetting a photograph of the deceased in a frame is very common.

One of main business in Dalei stone is wholesale monuments, you can contact us for memorial headstone prices. There are many different types of gravestone available in all sorts of shapes, sizes and materials; and each one can be customised to create something completely unique.

Brown G648 granite Poland style monuments.jpg

There are many grave marker with picture on our website, you can check the designs. Some simple gravestone monument design for your reference: upright gravestones, obelisk, angel headstone, angel wing headstones, children’s gravestones and memorials.

Dalei Stone owned many experienced craftman, you should try our outstanding service, excellent design, and trustworthy manufacturing when you are looking for monuments. If you would like to learn more about our memorial headstone designs products, please contact us: Email: [email protected]

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