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  5. Polished Absolute Black Granite Upright Headstone Russian Style

Polished Absolute Black Granite Upright Headstone Russian Style

This black granite monument have a non-standard straight shape. The bottom with many decorative curves and waves and the side is wavy.

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This black granite monument have a non-standard straight shape. The bottom with many decorative curves and waves and the side is wavy.

As a rule, Russian style upright monuments are carved on three sides, in contrast to classic straight monuments which are carved only on one side, usually the top, while the sides remain flat.Carved upright headstones do not have strict straight lines,which gives them sophistication and uniqueness.



We have many years of experience as a monument producer.Russian grave markers and headstones are one of our specialties.At the same time we supply high-quality custom monuments,except provide photos and words etching service for our customers,also hand carving sculpture headstone.More granite headstone models,please contact us for details.

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